Cody Moxam

Cody Moxam has cultivated an exceptional list of accomplishments as a scholar and professional, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to promoting mindfulness and fostering mental well-being. With a profound understanding of psychology and behavioral health, Cody has amassed a vast knowledge base, enabling him to confront the mounting unease and anxiety prevalent in his community. A testament to his expertise and dedication, Cody played a pivotal role in the design of the Mindful Campus Project, a transformative initiative organized by the esteemed Renée Crown Wellness Institute at the University of Colorado Boulder. Through this project, Cody has contributed to creating an environment that empowers individuals to prioritize their mental health and equips them with invaluable tools to navigate the challenges of contemporary society. Furthermore, as a certified addiction technician (CAT) and seasoned counselor, Cody has positively impacted numerous lives by guiding individuals i...